AlgoExpert Competition
I'm making a JavaScript visualization of how plasticity alters the similarity between neural firing patterns. It's for a competition by Clem Mihailescu from His goal is to making a software engineering competition that would incentivize people to build cool things:-).
I thought about what to do and I have my simulation idea. When I saw this animation with d3js I thought yeah, that's exactly what I need. So I'll make artificial neuron nodes that receive as input data from real neurons and the connections between neurons will have tunable weights with different plasticity rules. A force based algorithm would then bring together neurons (nodes) that develop similar response properties. I need multiple plasticity rules to work together to get sensible results. I'll start with implementing in Python all the learning rules from Dayan and Abbott (a textbook on Theoretical Neuroscience).
I think it's my favorite passion, creating simulations of high-dimensional data. It's also what my job at Janelia is about, but there I code visualizations in PyQtGraph, which currently doesn't have great graph visualization opportunities. Once I'm done with a JavaScript implementation of the force based graph, I can consider contributing to PyQtGraph which is open source to make the algorithm available there:-)
You can track my progress on building the simulator with both data and simulated nodes and visualizations on my GitHub
Hope you'll consider participating in the competition and building something cool:-)
I thought about what to do and I have my simulation idea. When I saw this animation with d3js I thought yeah, that's exactly what I need. So I'll make artificial neuron nodes that receive as input data from real neurons and the connections between neurons will have tunable weights with different plasticity rules. A force based algorithm would then bring together neurons (nodes) that develop similar response properties. I need multiple plasticity rules to work together to get sensible results. I'll start with implementing in Python all the learning rules from Dayan and Abbott (a textbook on Theoretical Neuroscience).
I think it's my favorite passion, creating simulations of high-dimensional data. It's also what my job at Janelia is about, but there I code visualizations in PyQtGraph, which currently doesn't have great graph visualization opportunities. Once I'm done with a JavaScript implementation of the force based graph, I can consider contributing to PyQtGraph which is open source to make the algorithm available there:-)
You can track my progress on building the simulator with both data and simulated nodes and visualizations on my GitHub
Hope you'll consider participating in the competition and building something cool:-)
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